Antifascist Pride March in Buenos Aires

This Saturday, LGTBIQ+ organizations will gather in Plaza de Mayo to protest against President Javier Milei's statements on sexual diversity. The march is expected to be massive and will have the support of various unions and political leaders.

Antifascist Pride March in Buenos Aires

The acronym LGTBIQ+ refers to the diversity of sexual orientations and gender identities, including non-binary identities, transgender people, intersex individuals, genderqueer, agender, and gender-fluid identities. The Federal March of Anti-Fascist and Anti-Racist Pride will take place in response to President Javier Milei's comments on sexual diversity. Various LGTBIQ+ organizations will march in Plaza de Mayo to defend the rights of the community.

The acronym has evolved over time to be more inclusive and recognize the variety of experiences within the community. Each letter of the acronym represents different aspects: L for lesbians, G for gays, T for transgender people, B for bisexuals, I for intersex individuals, and Q for queer. The plus sign (+) encompasses other identities and orientations not mentioned in the acronym.

The mobilization has been called for 4 PM from Congress to Plaza de Mayo. The government classifies it as a political event, despite claiming it will not affect Milei’s image. Political leaders such as Cristina Kirchner, Elisa Carrió, and Axel Kicillof have expressed their support for the march and criticism of the president's speech.

Unions and human rights organizations are also joining the call, including the CGT, Mothers of Plaza de Mayo, the Workers' CTA, and the union bloc of deputies from Unión por la Patria, among others. The slogan of the call is "The homeland is not for sale, pride is defended." Diversity and respect for different identities are fundamental in the fight for equality and human rights.